
With summer on the way, hauling is about to kick into high gear across the country. If your fleet is always on the go, you may need portable weighing solutions that make it easy to stay in compliance with safety standards and industry regulations. At Accurate Scale, we know how important it is to have access to the weighing solutions you need, especially on the road. As one of Western Canada’s leading suppliers of high-performance weigh scales, including portable truck scales, Accurate scales has everything you need to stay on the road. Below, we’ll cover some of the top benefits of portable truck scales, as well as our currently available models. Read on to learn more!

The Hauling Industry’s Secret Weapon

Life on the road can be demanding, with harsh conditions making it difficult to get accurate weighing results for your cargo. Portable truck scales offer haulers a wide variety of advantages. In addition to being portable and easy to transport, some of the main perks of truck scales are:


Portable truck scales are incredibly versatile and can adapt to your needs with ease. With minimal foundational requirements and a low-profile design that doesn’t require a pit for installation and easy setup, you’ll be able to keep things rolling smoothly.


Truck scales need to be able to stand up to harsh conditions without failure. All models carried by Accurate Scale are able to withstand the demands of road hauling and provide you with accurate results that you can trust, job after job, year after year.

Minimal Storage Requirements

The last thing you need when you’re on the go constantly is to have to deal with cumbersome equipment that slows you down. All models offered by Accurate Scale have minimal storage requirements and take up less space to ensure you’re able to operate with maximum efficiency.

Truck Scales at Accurate Scale

Accurate Scale stocks a wide variety of portable truck scales including the following:

Portable Truck scales and Rock Truck Scales: Designed to accommodate heavy loads, these models are manufactured by Accurate Scale and made in Canada.

PT300 wheel load scales: PT300™ known as one of the go-to options for those seeking reliable, compact, and self-contained wheel load scales. Despite their compact design, they are capable of weighing up to 40,000 lbs (18,000kgs).

AX-3040 axle scale: The AX-3040 is easily portable, available in multiple lengths, and is made of either aluminum or steel.

GEC MD400/500 Portable wheel weigh scales: The GEC MD400 and 500 have been at the top of the industry for over 45 years, and have become a staple for commercial truck weighing, cargo and heavy equipment weighing, law enforcement, military deployment and several industrial applications.

Learn more by contacting our team today!