
When you notice your scales need calibrating, you may be tempted to write off this task to the bottom of your already lengthy to-do list. But the truth is, the scale’s final measurements affect your bottom line. And a scale calibration appointment may not take as long as you think. Below, we get into the time frames of scale calibration as it works at Accurate Scale. Read more about us and our appointment process below.

How Long Does It Take to Book an Appointment?

Put simply, the current demand for scale calibration services will influence the time you will wait for your appointment. While we cannot give a ballpark estimate on here, our team can give you a rough estimate over the phone (800-252-7528).

Accurate Scale has multiple technicians in Alberta who carry out scale calibration appointments daily for clients in all industries. We work hard to ensure your scales are properly calibrated so that you can get correct readings on each load. If you need calibration services for your scale, book your appointment now.

The Length of A Scale Calibration Appointment

The duration of your appointment depends on multiple factors, including the size and current state of the scale. A larger scale’s calibration time will be longer than the time for a smaller scale, ranging from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Accurate Scale’s qualified technicians aim to complete the scale calibration within a reasonable time frame while still being thorough. If you have questions regarding the length of time your appointment may take, contact us for a more personalized time frame.

Predicting the length of the appointment may change if the scale has not been properly maintained over the years of use or if it has experienced “shock loading.” If your employees have dropped heavy equipment that needs to be weighed onto the scale instead of properly lowering the equipment, you may have further incurred scale damage that will need to be addressed. This is true for all damage. The better maintained your scales are year-round, the faster your appointment will be.

How to Prevent Scale Damage

From the beginning, your scale should be set on level ground in an area free of debris or objects. A small clearing around the scale is always recommended, and objects should not be stored on the scale for any period of time. This, combined with yearly maintenance, will start you off on the right track. Schedule regular maintenance to ensure you are getting accurate readings, as those readings can impact your bottom line. Yearly regular maintenance, keeping the area surrounding the scale free of debris and objects, and daily scale cleanings are all simple ways you can increase the longevity of your scales.

Accurate Scale: Alberta’s Leading Scale Provider

Accurate Scale is a Canadian-owned company that specializes in weighing solutions for all industries. Since the beginning, we have been focused on giving our customers a quality, personalized experience. For the best Canadian-made hopper scales, rail scales, truck scales, and floor scales, you need Accurate Scale. Call 800-252-7528 or connect with us.