
Scale calibration is an important element to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of your equipment. Not sure why regular calibration is a necessary investment? Below a few key reasons to maintain a reliable inspection schedule.


Even the highest quality equipment will degrade overtime and experience a certain amount of “drift” in readings. This can lead to costly errors where inventory is concerned, as well as safety hazards. Calibration will not only ensuring your scales are providing suitable results, but should an error be identified, a viable solution can be presented early on and prevent more advanced issues.

Scales are Susceptible to Environmental Factors

Regardless of your industry and the items you weigh, all scales will be exposed to environmental factors that will degrade your equipment over time. Heat and humidity, as well as constant heavy loads will wear on your scales and can result in inaccurate readings.

When to Schedule Calibration

In order your ensue your equipment is at its best, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer mandated time frame between having your scales inspected. Depending on the make, build, and use of the scale, this timeline will vary.

In addition to the default recommendations, its best to schedule an inspection in the event of a shock to the scale (drops, spills, etc), after a relocation, and before and after a major project.

For more information on scale calibration, or to book a service, contact our team today!