Increase Pipeline Worksite Safety with Crane Scales

Increase Pipeline Worksite Safety with Crane Scales

Pipeline construction worksites can be high-stress due to the amount of potential hazards. Having a dependable crane scale with accurate readings can put your mind at rest when it comes to making sure your cranes can withstand the load weight. Your workers deserve a...
Increase Pipeline Worksite Safety with Crane Scales

How Precise are Crane Scales?

Crane scales, also called tension scales or Dynamometers, are industrial scales that weigh up to 250,000 lbs. by suspending the object in the air and using gravity to pull on the scale. These scales are used by the construction, manufacturing, and warehousing...
Crane Scale Calibration: What to Know

Crane Scale Calibration: What to Know

Are your scales up to date and properly calibrated? If you’re not sure of the answer, it’s time to take stock and protect your equipment, as well as your team from the many costly errors that can occur when your equipment isn’t properly cared for. At Accurate Scale,...